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What Winter has taught me (at least this far)...


Updated: 5 days ago

What Winter has taught me (at least this far)...

There is something about breathing in the new year with a snow fall. A beautiful breath of newness. Hundreds of thousands of tiny intricate little breaths that are new and set apart in every way. Covering the land and washing it white. Beautiful as they fall, yet that is not enough. He then shines His light, reflecting and highlighting the beauty. Twinkles of hues, pinks, purples and blues. Do you see them?  

A white ocean of tiny breaths in front of you. Covering any history of previous paths and steps. Where then, do you step? I don’t know. That's the beauty of new breaths. Of washing white. Look forward, breathe in, take a step of faith and trust. 

There are sides of winter that are heavy. The kind of heavy that the trees hold as the breaths fall and build up on their pine needle branches. Can you feel it? I can. But there is beauty there too. You just need the eyes to see it. There is a Breath that's gentle and lowly. A Breath that has a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light. Yes, the breaths are still there. But do you see the twinkling hues? Do you see the tree still standing? More beautiful than before while asleep and dormant. 

What started this: Psalm 91:9 

“Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place”

I was sitting in a chair at my grandparents house next to their big bay window watching the snowfall. Noticing the snow laying heavily on the pine tree in the front yard, I said to the Lord; “Father, I feel like that tree right now, heavy.” His response…”But isn’t there beauty here? The snow's ability to transform the environment it lands on.” I then asked Him to give me the eyes to see the beauty, to not focus on the heaviness. That “because” of You, I have new eyes. I can remain steadfast. “Because” of You I can face tomorrow. “Because” of You, the Most High, I have a dwelling place to call home. Because God.

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